“He told me his story, and today I have forgotten it, but it was certainly a sorrowful, cruel and moving story; because so are all our stories, hundreds of thousands of stories, all different and all full of a tragic, disturbing necessity. We tell them to each other in the evening, and they take place in Norway, Italy, Algeria, the Ukraine, and are simple and incomprehensible like the stories in the Bible. But are they not themselves stories of a new Bible?” (Pg 65~66)
One of the differences between Christians and atheists is the way of viewing the life and the whole world. Christians believe that there is a purpose from God behind everything in this universe. On the contrary, atheist’s world view is that everything occurred through random chances. Since I’m a Christian, I believe that the holocaust was purposely happened, and this sentence “But are they not themselves stories of a new Bible?” brought me the idea of the purpose of the most tragic event in the history.
To move people emotionally and to change their minds, sacrifices and tragedy are required. For instance, when I heard about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, how he painfully died on the cross because of our sins, I was emotionally moved and it deeply impacted me. Also Koreans are emotionally moved when they hear about the cruel and brutal treatment of Japanese to Koreans during the era when Korea was a puppet country to Japan. Many Koreans sacrificed themselves to gain independence, and still today, this brings deep impact to Koreans.
Through Holocaust, through the deaths of the millions of innocent Jews, I think God wanted to tell us something. Maybe God wanted us to change our minds and the way we view the world. Or maybe there were lack of incitement in the people, so God thought that Holocaust would move them emotionally and physically to reshape the corrupt world.